The American Council on Addiction and Alcohol Problems gave praise to Utah governor Gary Herbert recently for his signing of the new bill to lower the legal BAC level from 0.08% to 0.05%.
“The standard in most if not all states is .08,” says ACAAP president Rob Chambers. “What’s interesting is that for those with a commercial driver’s license the blood alcohol level is .04, but [this] will lower it from .08 to .05 for non-commercial drivers. We commend the governor for signing this piece of legislation, and hopefully this will set the standard for the rest of the states.”
As I have mentioned several times before there has been quite a bit of opposition to this new law coming from fellow Utah law makers, The American Beverage Institute, the founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the Utah Hospitality Association, and many others.
The opposition has many questions about this new law and how it will affect people who have a beer or glass of wine with dinner and how that could result in the individual getting a DUI.
The bill’s sponsor, Norm Thurtson insists that this new bill is meant to save peoples lives.
The ACAAP feels the same as well.
“In 2015, there were over 10,000 people who were killed involving alcohol-impaired drivers,” he explains. “That’s basically one-third of all traffic violations, so we help people see the correlation between the consumption of alcohol and traffic fatalities.”
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Call Greg S. Law, at 801-261-6228 / Toll Free: 888-784-3554
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Source: https://www.onenewsnow.com/culture/2017/10/13/utah-new-standard-on-alcohol-level