Bars in Salt Lake City and throughout the entire state of Utah are fighting back against HB 155, the new change that affects DUI law and was signed by Utah’s Governor that lower’s the legal Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level from 0.08% down to 0.05%.
The Utah Hospitality Association based in Salt Lake City has launched a GoFundMe campaign that has raised over $5,000 and reached 18,000 shares.The Utah Hospitality Association and various Utah Bars are asking patrons of these bars to donate $5 to $10 to help fund the campaign to combat HB 155.
The American Beverage Institution, based in Washington D.C. has also started a petition against HB 155 that already has over 10,000 signatures as well.
HB 155 is not set to go into affect until December 30th, 2018, but there is hearing in a couple of weeks on June 21st to listen to the public’s opinions on the new Utah BAC limit 0f 0.05%.
There will be several people there asking the Legislature’s Transpiration Interim Committee to repeal HB 155. Several of these presentations are said to have statistics that show that only 1% of traffic fatalities are caused by drivers with a blood alcohol content of 0.05% and 0.08%.
Along with the GoFundMe campaign the Utah Hospitality Association has also started placing ads in both Nevada and Idaho that read “”Utah: Come for Vacation, Leave on Probation.”
Whether or not HB 155 will actually go into affect at the end of 2018 could very well depend on the public’s outcry and demand that this measure be dismissed.
If you would like to contribute to the Utah Hospitality Association’s GoFundMe Page click here.
To sign The American Beverage Institution’s Petition click here.
Or attend the The Legislature’s Transpiration Interim Committee hearing on June 21.
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Call Greg S. Law, at 801-261-6228 / Toll Free: 888-784-3554
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