Saratoga Springs Police arrested a man after a high speed chase down Redwood Road.
Police received reports of a man driving recklessly, running red lights, and going into opposite lanes of on coming traffic.
According to the Daily Herald:
Police stopped the driver, Michael Hardy, who had a warrant from the U.S. Marshal’s Office for probation violation, reports state.
Hardy, 45, was allegedly in possession of nine stolen credit cards, driver’s licenses, several syringes of what officers believe to be methamphetamine mixed with blood and marijuana.
When police attempted to put Hardy in the back of the vehicle, Hardy refused, kicking one officer and spitting vomit on another officer’s face, reports state.
Hardy was taken to the Utah County Jail and charged with:
- one second-degree felony of receiving a stolen vehicle
- one third-degree felony of failing to stop at command of police
- nine third-degree felonies of unlawful possession of a financial card
- two third-degree felonies of theft by receiving stolen property
- two third-degree felonies of assault by a prisoner
- one third-degree felony of possession of a controlled substance
- one class A misdemeanor of possession of another’s ID
- one class A misdemeanor of propelling a bodily substance
- one class B misdemeanor of possession of marijuana
- one class B misdemeanor of drug paraphernalia
- one class B misdemeanor of possession of burglary tools
- one class C misdemeanor of driving with an open container of alcohol
Looks like Mr. Hardy is in a lot of trouble.
If you find yourself in trouble with the law whether it is for DUI, evading police, drug possession, or assault. Get in touch. I can help.
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At the office of Greg S. Law, our lawyers handle Utah state and federal criminal charges, and represent both adults and juveniles facing criminal charges that range from common misdemeanor offenses such as a first-time DUI or shoplifting charge to serious felonies such as rape and murder. Contact us today for a free initial consultation with a Utah Criminal Defense Attorney. We Prepare Diligently. We Concede Nothing. Call Us For A Powerful Defense.
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