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  • Ignition Interlock Devices And Your Rights


    Salt Lake City Ignition Interlock Lawyer

    Utah has strict laws on driving under the influence (DUI). Regardless of whether this is the first time you have been charged with DUI or you have had multiple DUI charges. Utah requires you to install ignition interlock devices on all cars that you are driving. You are considered “ignition interlock-restricted” according to the law. Your license to operate a motor vehicle will be suspended until you install an ignition interlock device in your car. Ignition interlock devices are mechanisms that are attached to your car’s ignition. In order to start the car, you must blow into the device, which will measure your blood alcohol concentration (BAC).If you have been charged with DUI, it is important to hire an aggressive lawyer who can defend your rights. At Greg S. Law, in Salt Lake City, we know how to defend against DUI charges because we know how police work. Before becoming a defense attorney, Greg S. Law worked as a police officer. He knows how and where they make mistakes.

    If you are being required to install ignition interlock devices on your vehicle due to a DUI charge, learn about your options. Contact Greg S. Law by calling us at 801-261-6228. You can also reach us online.

    Utah law requires anyone who is ignition interlock-restricted to have ignition interlock devices installed on all cars that he or she owns. You also need to provide proof of compliance to the court. Certified ignition interlock providers electronically report the installation of devices to the Driver License Division.

    How Long Do I Have To Keep Ignition Interlock Devices On My Car?


    Ignition interlock devices are not only embarrassing, but they can also be expensive, especially for households with multiple cars.

    The length of time will depend on the offense. The following briefly summarizes Utah’s duration requirements:

    • First DUI offense — If this is the first time you have been convicted of DUI, you will be required to have an ignition interlock device installed for 18 months. There is no difference in duration depending on whether your BAC was low or high.
    • Second DUI offense — If this is your second DUI offense, you will be required to keep the device installed for three years.
    • Felony DUI offense — People with multiple DUIs are required to keep the device installed for six years.
    • Vehicular homicide — If you killed someone while driving under the influence and are charged with vehicular homicide, you will be required to keep the device installed for 10 years.
    • Underage DUI — If you were arrested for drinking and driving and you are under the age of 21, you will be required to have the device installed for three years.
    • Chemical test refusal — If you refused to submit to chemical testing of your blood, urine or breath, you will be required to keep the device installed for three years.

    What Happens If I Don’t Use My Interlock Device?


    Law enforcement is cracking down on people who try to skirt the ignition interlock requirements. It is a class B misdemeanor to be caught operating a motor vehicle without one. In addition to other fines, you will lose your driving privileges for one year.

    You may also run into trouble if you fail to provide confirmation to the court that you have installed ignition interlock devices. If the court receives notice that ignition interlock devices were not installed or were removed, a probation violation will be issued and you will receive an order to show cause why you did not comply.

    Get Help From An Ignition Interlock Device Attorney In Salt Lake City


    To find out more information and to get help with your DUI defense, contact Greg S. Law, at 801-261-6228.

    We offer flexible scheduling, and there is no cost for your first appointment. You can also contact us online.