Am I Eligible to Have My Utah Driver’s License Reinstated Early After a DUI?
There are many circumstances after a DUI or DWI conviction where you can get your driver’s license reinstated sooner than normal after a conviction in Utah. The state of Utah has recently made some changes to its laws regarding driver’s license suspensions after DUI convictions, but trying to figure out if you’re eligible for early reinstatement can be complicated. There are several steps to be taken to get the early driving license reinstatement activated.
How Do I Get My License Back After DUI Conviction in Utah?
The set of Utah has listed out the several circumstances and steps where you can have your driving privileges reinstated, but reading through all the state statutes and laws is complicated. It also depends on whether you submitted to the breathalyzer or chemical test at the scene. Or whether you refused the chemical test and were still convicted of a DUI. The state of Utah lists out the requirements here and it gets complicated.
There are several steps and hoops the state of Utah makes you jump through including determining your eligibility, contacting your hearing officer, installing an Ignition Interlock Device, an additional hearing, and then several fees involved with the license reinstatement. There is also a list of several disqualifications that can prevent you from getting this early reinstatement.
DUI Defense and Options to Keep Your Driving Privlegaes
As stated above, DUI laws can get very complicated along with the penalties associated with a conviction. Depending on your circumstances you may have several options in front of you to keep your driving privileges and maintain your job while having this mistake not affect your entire life. The first thing you should do if you are cited is get in touch with an experienced DUI Lawyer in Utah, Greg S. Law. Greg represents clients in every county along the Wasatch Front and will often make exceptions to represent you if you live anywhere in Utah.
As a former police officer, Greg can examine your case and look for any flaws or any other circumstances in your case and help you avoid a DUI conviction altogether. He also has a proven track record of being able to help you keep your license at the 10 Drivers License Hearing to avoid a suspension altogether. If you are convicted of a DUI and whether this is your first conviction or if you have had several similar convictions Greg can help you determine if you are eligible for the 24/7 Sobriety program.
Keep Your Driver’s License After a DUI Arrest in Utah
Call Greg S. Law, at 801-261-6228.
Our law offices are located in the Salt Lake City area but our attorneys represent adults and juveniles throughout the state of Utah. To schedule a free consultation with a criminal defense lawyer at our firm, call either of the two numbers listed above or contact us with a brief e-mail message.
If you need a Utah criminal defense attorney, contact our firm. Greg S. Law is experienced, dedicated, and tenacious. Greg will help you achieve the best possible outcome in your DUI or criminal defense case.
Greg is available for evening and weekend appointments. He also accepts major credit cards. Payment plans are available.