Getting In Trouble In College Can Affect Your Entire Future
At the law firm of Greg S. Law, we represent Utah college and university students who are charged with misdemeanor or felony crimes ranging from underage drinking or criminal mischief to sexual assault and battery. Contact our office to learn how our experience and proactive approach to criminal defense can benefit you.For the less serious range of offenses, your main problem will be to resolve the case on terms that will avoid damage to your current academic status and future professional opportunities while protecting your interest in expungement. In felony cases that present a substantial risk of imprisonment, our lawyers do everything possible to get the charges dismissed, defeated at trial or negotiated in a plea that minimizes the harm to your future prospects.
Defending Utah Students From Felony Or Misdemeanor Charges
Our Salt Lake City lawyers defend and advocate for undergraduate, graduate and professional students facing criminal charges of all kinds:
- Underage DUI
- Minor in possession of alcohol or open container violations
- Illegal drug charges
- Prescription drug offenses
- Assault or weapons charges
- Criminal mischief or vandalism
- Internet fraud and theft crimes
- Sex crimes ranging from lewd conduct to date rape or sexual assault and battery
- Statutory rape charges
No matter what specific charge you’re facing, we can discuss effective defense strategies that balance the need to resolve a current problem with the need to protect your academic and professional future.
Call Us For Help Resolving Student Criminal Charges
Call Greg S. Law, PLLC, at 801-261-6228 in metro Salt Lake City or 801-261-6228 toll free.
For additional information about the ways an experienced Salt Lake City criminal attorney can defend students charged with any of various offenses, contact the law firm of Greg S. Law, in Salt Lake City for a free consultation.