At the law firm of Greg S. Law, we represent young people who have been arrested and charged with Utah alcohol offenses of all kinds: underage DUI, minor in possession (MIP), underage consumption, open container violations and similar charges. Contact us for a free consultation about the most effective ways to meet and overcome the specific charges that you are facing.
Utah Attorney For MIP And Underage Alcohol Charges
The right strategy for resolving an underage drinking charge depends a great deal on the circumstances of the case, the defendant’s prior record if any, the specific criminal charges and the nature of the interests that will be affected in the event of a conviction.
Most offenses like minor in possession or open container violations will be filed as misdemeanors with relatively light immediate penalties, but the long-term consequences of pleading guilty to a particular charge might be unacceptable, depending on the young person’s situation and goals. A misdemeanor alcohol conviction can affect academic status, eligibility for sports or campus activities, a military career, or all kinds of future employment or professional opportunities. A conviction also carries a mandatory suspension of your driver’s license.
Our law firm’s goal is to resolve the case on terms that will have the least possible impact on a young person’s future prospects, whether the case involves someone under 18 in the juvenile justice system or a young adult between ages of 18 and 21.
This often means preparing the case for trial, not only to beat the case in court but also to develop leverage in negotiations with the prosecutor. It is frequently in our client’s interest to settle the case through a plea that preserves the opportunity for an alternative disposition, a light or probationary sentence, eventual dismissal of the charges, and above all, eligibility for expungement of the record of the criminal offense.
Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation
Call Greg S. Law, PLLC, at 801-261-6228 in metro Salt Lake City or 801-261-6228 toll free.
For additional information about the range of our experience resolving underage drinking and alcohol charges against defendants under 21, discuss your situation with a Salt Lake City minor in possession lawyer. Contact the law firm of Greg S. Law.