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  • Utah might be the first state to allow self driving cars. The House Transportation Committee approved a bill that would make these cars legal throughout Utah.

    Some Utah lawmakers think this will help ease the amount of DUIs people are charged with when the new 0.05% DUI Law goes into effect.

    salef driving car dui defense lawyer

    The new bill, HB371 is being sponsored by Representative Robert Spendlove, R-Sandy, and it is aimed at making different rules for insurance coverage for the self-driving cars. The coverage differences revolves mostly around liability insurance coverage.

    According to an article posted by The Car Connection:

    “There is a great opportunity because of Utah’s tech center…to really take a lead in this area,” Spendlove said, adding that “we’ve got autonomous technology that is now being implemented in cars coming out on the road, and we have testing going on throughout the country.”

    Spednlove’s proposed bill could be pushed back to as far as 2019 or even further to allow the chance for more research to be done on self driving cars. There are other states such as Arizona that are looking into getting these vehicles legalized as well.

    Get Help From An Experienced DUI Defense Attorney Today

    Call Greg S. Law, at 801-261-6228

    DUI cases in Utah proceed on two different fronts. One front is the civil case, involving your driving privileges. The other is the criminal case, which can lead to significant penalties.

    Our firm offers comprehensive representation in both aspects of your case. We will help you protect or regain your license. And we will also defend you aggressively against criminal charges relating to impaired driving

    Learn what a difference aggressive representation can make in your DUI case, and make certain that your rights and interests will be fully protected throughout the legal process.

    To schedule a free consultation, call either of the two numbers listed above or contact us with a brief e-mail message. We offer a free initial consultation, and are available for evening and weekend appointments. We also accept major credit cards.


    Source: https://www.thecarconnection.com/news/1115449_utah-takes-step-toward-putting-self-driving-cars-on-its-roads