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  • New DUI Programs Focus on the Drinking and Not the Driving

    August 9, 2017 | Blog Drunk Driving
  • DUI Penalties Lawyer in Utah Tooele Salt Lake CityDUI arrests are by far the most common arrest in the United States. Surprisingly a lot of these DUI arrests are from repeat offenders.

    The way the court and criminal justice system works is that they focus on penalizing most DUI offenders driving privileges. These penalties range from taking away driving privileges all together for a certain amount of time. Having the driver install an interlock device in their car. Along with many other types of penalties.

    However, there is new research out there that suggests focusing on a DUI offenders access to alcohol and drinking in Tooele, Salt Lake City, and throughout Utah might be the better answer.


    There is a program in place in South Dakota called “24/7 Sobriety”. The idea behind this program is to monitor the role of alcohol in the DUI offenders life. This monitoring came in the form of morning and evening BAC breath tests. If the person was caught drinking they were immediately put in jail for anywhere from 12 to 36 hours.

    This new program has been successful for the most part and has seen good results.

    Courts in Utah do try and restrict drinking from DUI offenders in Tooele, Salt Lake City, but that only comes in the form of random urine tests while on probation.

    This new system monitors the DUI offender much more closely. This new program also seems to be much more effective with repeat DUI defenders and those who have an extreme alcohol dependency.

    Contact A Utah DUI Penalties Lawyer Today


    Call Greg S. Law at 801-261-6228 local or 888-784-3554 toll free.

    If you have questions about your rights following a recent DUI arrest, DUI penalties or how we can help, call or contact Greg S. Law in Salt Lake City, Utah, online. We offer a free initial consultation with a lawyer, and are available for evening and weekend appointments. We also accept major credit cards for your convenience.



    Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/08/07/most-drunk-driving-programs-focus-on-driving-this-one-worked-because-it-focused-on-booze/