As with every holiday week and especially holiday weekend, Utah Police and more specifically the Utah Highway Patrol will be ramping their DUI patrols through the end of the Labor Day Weekend.
As I mentioned last year, in the past three years there have been an average of 28 DUI related crashes in Utah during the Labor Day Weekend.
According to the UHP Website:
“Troopers will be working day and night throughout the state with one goal: to help everyone get where they’re going safely. Drunk driving crashes are 100 percent preventable if individuals act responsibly. The responsible choice is to plan for a safe and sober ride home. Utahns can designate a sober driver, call a cab or a sober friend, or get a rideshare. It’s never okay to drink and drive.”
The UHP and other Utah Police Agencies with be adding 340 extra shifts during the weekend to focus on catching DUI drivers.
If you are heading south for the weekend, make sure to be extra careful. The UHP in St. George and the rest of Washington County are really ramping up their patrols to catch people driving south for the weekend.
The have been working with the Nevada Highway Patrol to catch DUI drivers who be maybe crossing the state border.
Also, keep your eye out for several DUI checkpoints that will be spread throughout Tooele, Salt Lake City, Davis County, and throughout the entire state of Utah.
Charged With DUI in Tooele, Salt Lake City, or anywhere in Utah? Let Me Help You Keep Your Rights.
Call Greg S. Law at 801-261-6228.
If you have questions regarding your DUI arrest, call or contact Utah Breathalyzer attorney Greg S. Law online. We offer a free initial consultation, and are available for evening and weekend appointments. We also accept major credit cards for your convenience.