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  • Halloween is coming up next week so this weekend is when all the celebrations and parties are going to happen. That means extra DUI patrols by the Utah Highway Patrol and Utah Police throughout the State.

    You should never drink and drive, but you really don’t want to drink and drive in Utah this weekend. Chances are you will get caught.

    The Utah Highway Patrol is planning an extra 170 shifts up until the day of Halloween.


    Halloween DUI Attorney in Utah

    Here are the details according to the UHP:

    To help make sure everyone gets home safely, law enforcement officers throughout the state will be working more than 170 extra shifts to deter, detect and remove impaired drivers from Utah’s roads. Increased DUI enforcement includes a DUI checkpoint and two concentrated DUI blitzes.

    So keep your eye out for several DUI checkpoints that will be spread throughout Tooele, Salt Lake City, Davis County, Utah County, and Weber County.

    If convicted of a Driving Under the Influence in Utah it could cost you up to $10,000, fines, jail time, lose of your drivers license, lose of you job, etc.

    Please don’t drive impaired whether it is from alcohol or drugs. Have a plan, use a designated driver, call a cab, or use Lyft, or Uber.

    However, if you do find yourself in trouble with a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) offense during the Halloween weekend, please get in touch. I can help you navigate through your charges and get you out of trouble.

    Charged With DUI in Tooele, Salt Lake City, or anywhere in Utah? Let Me Help You Keep Your Rights.


    Call Greg S. Law at 801-261-6228 local or 888-784-3554 toll free.

    If you have questions regarding your Driving Under the Influence arrest, call or contact Utah Breathalyzer attorney Greg S. Law online. We offer a free initial consultation, and are available for evening and weekend appointments. We also accept major credit cards for your convenience.


    Over 170 extra DUI shifts will be worked by law enforcement officers throughout the state during the weekend before and through Halloween.

    2 DUI blitzes will be held - one on 10/27 and one on 10/31

    One DUI checkpoint will be held on 10/26


    Source: https://dpsnews.utah.gov/halloween-dui-enforcement-2/