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  • You Have 10 Days To Keep Your Utah Drivers License


    Salt Lake DUI Drivers License Hearing Lawyer

    If you have been arrested for DUI in Salt Lake City or in the state of Utah, you need to take immediate action to protect your drivers license. Utah’s DUI laws give you just 10 days to request a drivers license hearing. If you fail to request this hearing within 10 days of your arrest, your license will automatically be suspended.

    At the office of Greg S. Law, we have helped hundreds of clients fight Salt Lake City DUI charges and protect their rights at drivers license hearings. We are confident in our ability to help you. Keep in mind that you no time to waste.

    Learn more about how our experience can benefit you. Call or contact us online for a free initial consultation with an experienced Salt Lake City drivers license hearing attorney.

    The Civil Trial Prepares Us For The Criminal Trial

    A Utah DUI arrest actually sets two separate cases in motion, one civil and one criminal. The drivers’ license hearing is a civil hearing that typically lasts 30 minutes or less, and is often conducted by phone. This hearing is important to your defense because it gives you the first opportunity to question the arresting officer under oath. This will help us prepare more effectively for the criminal case. It will also “lock” the officer into those prior statements given under oath.

    Can you win at the driver’s license hearing? Yes, but remember that winning your civil hearing only means you get to keep driving while the criminal case is still pending. If you are later convicted on DUI charges, you can still lose your license. If you are convicted of a first-time DUI, your driver’s license will be suspended for 120 days. A second or subsequent conviction will result in a two-year suspension.

    At Greg S. Law, our first goal is always to see our clients walk away free with no criminal record or penalties. Even when the prosecution has a strong case and we are not able to make any headway toward this goal, we use our experience to negotiate a plea to the lesser offense of impaired driving, which carries no mandatory jail sentence, a reduced fine, and no drivers license suspension.

    Contact A Utah Drivers License Hearing Lawyer Today

    Call Greg S. Law, at 801-261-6228.

    Learn what a difference an aggressive Utah DUI Lawyer can make in your case. Make certain that your rights and interests will be fully protected throughout the legal process.

    To schedule a free consultation with an experienced Utah DUI Lawyer, call either of the two numbers listed above or contact us with a brief e-mail message. We offer a free initial consultation. We are available for evening and weekend appointments and also accept major credit cards.