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  • Tooele Utah Criminal Defense AttorneyThere are a number of ridiculous laws in Utah that are considered Class B Misdemeanors and could possibly cost you six months in Jail.

    A Utah lawmaker is currently reviewing these laws and working on lowering the penalties for breaking these laws.

    The lawmaker leading this charge is Sen. Daniel Thatcher, R-West Valley City.

    “Something like holding a raccoon, up to six months in jail,” he said, pointing out that is a crime in Utah. “Don’t you think the punishment should be you’re holding a raccoon?”

    Here is a list of interesting crimes that can land you jail-time in Tooele, Salt Lake City, and throughout the entire state of Utah:

    – Allowing a swine to run at large
    – Library theft
    – Picketing or parading in or near a court
    – Wagering on an election
    – Taking a toll without authorization
    – Livestock harassment
    – Abuse of a flag
    – Prohibited sale or gifting of clove cigarettes
    – Unlawful tattooing of a minor
    – Illegal paleontology

    There are a number of Class B Misdemeanors that also carry the six month jail time punishment like the majority of alcohol violations, cheating on your spouse, or other sexual acts. However, when some of these cases such as illegal sex acts are brought to the court the court usually overturns the charges as they are deemed unconstitutional and should not be criminally punished.

    “Failure to mow your lawn. I’m sorry, but I don’t think you should look at jail time for failing to mow your lawn,” said Peter Stirba, an attorney and chairman of the Utah Sentencing Commission.

    The Utah Sentencing Committee publishes a list with hundreds of crimes listed under the Class B Misdemeanor with the punishment of 6 months in jail. The Comission and Sen. Thatcher will work to get some of these “crimes” removed from the list.


    Call Us For Utah Criminal Defense Help In Your Time Of Uncertainty


    Call Greg S. Law, at 801-261-6228 / Toll Free: 888-784-3554

    Our law offices are located in the Salt Lake City area but our attorneys represent adults and juveniles throughout the state of Utah. To schedule a free consultation with a criminal defense lawyer at our firm, call either of the two numbers listed above or contact us with a brief e-mail message.


    Source and Quotes Taken from Here: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/08/08/holding-raccoon-utah-lawmaker-to-review-crimes-that-could-land-jail-time.html

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