If your son or daughter is facing charges in juvenile court in Salt Lake City, Utah, you may be relieved to know that the prosecution focuses more on preventing offenses in the future and rehabilitation than on significant or severe punishment. However, it is still important to have an attorney experienced in juvenile matters to defend your child. Some serious criminal charges can result in heightened penalties — even in juvenile court.
At Greg S. Law, we will vigorously represent your child throughout the juvenile court process. The last thing you want is to have your child end up with a permanent criminal record or to be labeled as a “delinquent.” We understand that juveniles make mistakes — sometimes, serious mistakes — and want to help your child by seeking to have serious consequences minimized.
Adult courts focus on punishing those convicted of crimes. The juvenile court system:
— Is a special jurisdiction court for youth under 18 years of age who violate local, state or federal laws.
— Also deals with any youth who are dependent, neglected or abused.
— In some circumstances, can determine visitation, support or child custody. It also has the right to terminate a parent’s rights.
— Can require juveniles to pay restitution or fines as part of a penalty for a delinquent act.
— Is responsible for administering a juvenile probation department and will maintain supervision over court-supervised juveniles who move to Utah from another state.
As you can see, the juvenile court in Utah has many responsibilities and your child may be involved with the court because of various factors. We will work diligently to help your son or daughter, including making sure you understand the process and possible outcomes. To learn more about juvenile offenses and juvenile court, please read over our webpage on the topic.
Call Us For Help With A Juvenile Offense
Call Greg S. Law, at 801-261-6228 local or 801-261-6228 toll free.
To schedule a free consultation with a Utah juvenile crime attorney, call either of the two numbers listed above or contact us with a brief e-mail message. We offer a free initial consultation, and are available for evening and weekend appointments. We also accept major credit cards.